Mainly West of Queen Street - seen through my lens

Category: Kumeu (Page 1 of 2)

Harvest at Soljans

At Soljans Estate Winery

At Soljans Estate Winery

Soljans Estate Winery and Cafe in Kumeu celebrated Easter in the tradition of Croatian harvest festivals. Here a few images of the Dalmatian Kola Dancers.

Dalmatian Kola Dancers

Dalmatian Kola Dancers

Dalmatian Kola Dancers

Dalmatian Kola Dancers

Dalmatian Kola Dancers

Dalmatian Kola Dancers

Dalmatian Kola Dancers

Dalmatian Kola Dancers

Tony Soljan

Tony Soljan


Vineyards at Kumeu

Vineyards at Kumeu

Kumeu River Wines along State Highway 16 at Kumeu. Bird netting to keep the starlings and their friends off the grapes.

Vineyards at Kumeu

Vineyards at Kumeu

I beg your Pardon!?!

Roadside Offer

Roadside Offer

I thought that these are bought by the sh**load rather then by the kilogram – but here we are. Just north of Kumeu, kind of horse country, yet this sign is at an orchard. No, they are not diversifying into the fertiliser business, rather a case of “apples to apples” (if you have horses; but pigs, rabbits, poultry, and more, all seem to enjoy unsold apples from last year).…

The Alien (Kumeu)

The Alien

The Alien

I have driven past this guardian of the north end of Kumeu’s (or is it Huapai?) Main Street many times, but never taken the time to take a picture of this junk art alien – should go well with the exhibition at Corban Estate Art Centre.…

Persimmons Anyone?

Persimmon Tree in Fruit

Persimmon Tree in Fruit

I was not the only one who appreciated the persimmon orchard on State Highway 16 just north of Kumeu, although I was content with visual appreciation. As I approached, a flock of mynah birds and starlings made off into the high shelter trees, only to return a few moments later.…

Red Roses for Valentine’s Day

Red Roses at Kumeu River Winery

Red Roses at Kumeu River Winery

It’s the time of year again when the vineyards get shrouded in bird netting. These vines have been under cover for a few weeks and want out, as do the roses which are planted at almost every other row according to ancient tradition.…

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